I had been adding recipes for a while to a new cookbook so I could find them when I wanted to cook them. In the electronic age, a digital version seems to make more sense, since I can add, amend, advise, adjust, delete, and reconsider as often as I want to and you can access them if and when you please. I've included the recipes from both my original cookbook which many of you have, and additional accumulated recipes that never got published. This isn’t the latest thing or nouvelle cuisine. These recipes are comfort food, good memories, treasured family recipes, and occasional treats as well as many healthier recipes I've grown to like in recent years. I encourage you to add comments, pictures, and favorite recipes to make this a real family cooking spot. It's the next best thing to sharing a meal.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cream Pie


1 cup heavy cream
2 cups sugar
2 egg whites, beaten stiff and folded into the cream and sugar
Pour into unbaked pie shell and sprinkle nutmeg on top.  Bake 30 minutes at 350F.
This is a recipe from my great grandmother Jerusha Catherine Craft Peters (my mother's maternal grandmother).  Mother says it was delicious, but that those who have tried to duplicate it have failed as it tends to fall. 

 Baked pie crust
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp. flour
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 heaping teaspoon butter

Stir flour into milk in pan.  Separate eggs, saving whites for meringue.  Add yolks and remaining ingredients to milk mixture.  Boil until thick.  Put into baked crust.  Beat whites of eggs.  Add 3 Tbsp. sugar.  Continue beating until they hold stiff peaks.  Spread over pie and brown in moderate oven.
Another recipe from Grandma Peters

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