I have been adding recipes for a while to a new cookbook so I could find them when I wanted to cook them. In the electronic age, a digital version seems to make more sense, since I can add, amend, advise, adjust, delete, and reconsider as often as I want to and you can access them if and when you please. I've included the recipes from my original cookbook which many of you have. I'm also going to be adding pictures as I retest many of these recipes. They aren't the latest thing or nouvelle cuisine. They're comfort food, good memories, treasured family recipes, and occasional treats as well as many healthier recipes I've grown to like in recent years. I encourage you to add comments, pictures, and favorite recipes to make this a real family cooking spot. It's the next best thing to sharing a meal.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Polish Pre-lenten Jelly Doughnuts-Paczki (from Oaza Bakery)

Polish Pre-Lenten Jelly Doughnuts:
Paczki Recipe courtesy Oaza Bakery TVFN,
FoodNation, Show #BF1B24:

1 ounce melted butter
1 ounce lemon juice
1 ounce rum
1 quart water  
1 quart eggs
1/2 quart sugared eggs yolks
1/2 ounce salt  
4 1/2 ounces milk powder
1 pound granulated sugar
1 pound, 10 ounces shortening
1 pound cake flour
9 1/2 pounds high gluten flour
1 pound yeast
Vegetable oil, for deep frying

Mix all ingredients, except vegetable oil together in a large mixer fitted with a dough hook for 11 to 12 minutes or until dough reaches 78 degrees F. Set dough aside to rise for 30 to 45 minutes. Divide and round dough into golf ball-sized pieces, put onto sheet pan and proof until the balls grow to around the size of soft balls, about 30 to 45 minutes. Preheat a fryer to 360 degrees F. Deep fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cool. Using a piping bag fitted with a plain tip, fill with your favorite preserves and top with powdered sugar. This recipe was provided by professional chefs and has been scaled down from a bulk recipe provided by a restaurant. The FN chefs have not tested this recipe, in the proportions indicated, and therefore, we cannot make any representation as to the results. Yield: About 9 dozen paczki Prep Time: 40 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Difficulty: Medium

Oaza Bakeries in Hamtramck and the Detroit area were started and operated by Donald’s  family, the Czarneckis.  He worked there when he was in high school and his mother worked there as a cake decorator until she retired. The bakery was owned by his uncle, Harry Czarnecki. After Harry died it was operated by his daughter Eve, then his son Robert, and then may have passed out of family hands or ceased operations for a period. It was revived by cousins of the Czarneckis and I believe it is now out of business. 

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